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  1. 邀请系统é™æ—¶å¼€æ”¾é€šçŸ¥|The invitation system open for a limited time 应广大HDSkyer的建议,本站决定é™æ—¶å¼€æ”¾é‚€è¯·æƒé™ï¼Œå‘é€é‚€è¯·æƒé™é™è‡³ä¸´æ—¶æ¼”员(user),截止至2 9æ—¥0时。 相关注æ„事项通知如下: 1.请ä¸è¦åœ¨ä»»ä½•å…¬å¼€åœºåˆæåŠæœ¬æ¬¡å¼€æ”¾é‚€è¯·äº‹å®œï¼› 2.请邀请您完全信任的朋å‹åŠ 入我们的高清ä¹å›­ï¼› 3.严ç¦æ³¨å†Œé©¬ç”²ï¼Œä¸€ç»å‘现相关账å·å…¨éƒ¨å°ç¦ï¼› 4.é‚€è¯·ç³»ç»Ÿæ— è¿žå,被邀请人被å°ç¦ï¼Œé‚€è¯·äººä¸å—牵连; 5.æ‰€æœ‰è¢«é‚€è¯·åŠ å…¥çš„æ–°ä¼šå‘˜éƒ½å°†æŽ¥å—æ–°æ‰‹è€ƒæ ¸ã€‚è¢«é‚€è¯·äººå¿…é¡»åœ¨30天内达到如下è¦æ±‚ï¼šä¸Šä¼ é‡60GB,下载 é‡60GB,魔力值3000,åšç§çŽ‡5ã€‚æ‰€æœ‰é¡¹ç›®éƒ½å¿…é¡»é€šè¿‡ï¼Œä»»ä½•ä¸€é¡¹æˆ–è€…å‡ é¡¹æœªé€šè¿‡è€ƒæ ¸çš„è´¦å·å°†è¢«ç³»ç»Ÿè‡ª 动ç¦æ­¢ã€‚ 特此通知 HDSky管ç†ç»„ 2015å¹´05月25æ—¥ ================================================== =============================== Dear HDSkyer, The invitation system is now open for users class above user until 23:59:59 at 28.05.2015(GMT+8). Please invite your fully trusted friends to join us! Notice that any duplicate account is not allowed!Do not do that otherwise your account will be banned! You won't be punished if your invited account banned by system. Cheers, HDSky Staff 25.05.2015 Translate: Open invitation system notification limit | The invitation system open for a limited time HDSkyer should suggest that the majority of the site decided to invite open during limited authority, competence Invitation sent down to the extras (user), ended at 0:00 on the 29th. Related Note notified as follows: 1. Please do not mention this matter in an open invitation to any public; 2. Please invite your friends to join us full confidence in HD paradise; 3. The non-registration vest, once discovered all the relevant account banned; 4. Invite the system without even sitting invitees been banned, invite people not involved; 5. All are invited to join the new member will receive a novice assessment. Invitees must meet the following requirements within 30 days: uploads 60GB, downloads 60GB, magic value 3000 seeding rate of 5. All items must be adopted, not by any one or several of the assessment account will be automatically disabled. Notice is hereby HDSky Management Group May 25, 2015 ================================================== =============================== Dear HDSkyer, The invitation system is now open for users class above user until 23:59:59 at 28.05.2015 (GMT + 8). Please invite your fully trusted friends to join us! Notice that any duplicate account is not allowed! Do not do that otherwise your account will be banned! You will not be punished if your invited account banned by system. Cheers, HDSky Staff 25.05.2015
  2. ã€é‡è¦ã€‘æœ¬ç«™å¹´ä¸­è€ƒæ ¸å·²å…¨é¢å¼€å¯ 为了更好的完善下载体验和æé«˜ä¼šå‘˜ç´ è´¨ï¼Œå»ºç«‹å‘烧å‹ç»ˆæžä¹å›­ï¼ŒåŒæ—¶ä¹Ÿæ˜¯æ¸…ç†é…±æ²¹å…šï¼Œå¢žå¼ºä¼šå‘˜åˆ†äº«æ„识,促进网站å‘展,本站决定,自2015å¹´5月1æ—¥0时至2015å¹´7月1日零时止,实施2015å¹´åº¦å¹´ä¸­è€ƒæ ¸ï¼Œè¯¦æƒ…è¯·è‡³æœ¬ç«™é¦–é¡µï¼Œè°¢è°¢ç†è§£ä¸Žæ”¯æŒï¼ NB: Assessment shall comprise of 60Gb download, 60Gb Upload, accumulation of 5000 bonus and to achieve a seed/leech time ratio: 5 and all these has to be finished over a period of 60days/2 months starting from May 1. Fail to achieve even any one of these within aforementioned time will lead to complete ban.
  3. å…费代ç å·²æ¢å¤æ­£å¸¸ 最近很多HDSkyeråæ˜ å…è´¹ç§å­è®¡ç®—下载é‡é—®é¢˜ï¼Œç»´æŠ¤äººå‘˜å·²æ‰¾åˆ°åŽŸå› 并修å¤ã€‚ç»è¿‡å¤šæ¬¡æµ‹è¯•ç¡®è®¤å…费代ç å·²ç»æ¢å¤æ­£å¸¸ï¼Œç‰¹æ­¤å…¬å‘Šã€‚之å‰ç»™å„ä½HDSkyeré€ æˆäº†ä¸å°‘困扰,对此管ç†ç»„表示深深的歉æ„,åŒæ—¶è¦æ„Ÿè°¢å„ä½å¯¹æˆ‘们一如既往的ç†è§£å’Œæ”¯æŒï¼ 请账å·æ— 故被计算æµé‡è¢«è­¦å‘Šçš„HDSkyer于27日之å‰ï¼ˆé€¾æœŸè§†ä¸ºè‡ªåŠ¨æ”¾å¼ƒï¼‰ç‚¹å‡»è¿™é‡Œå‘Šè¯‰æˆ‘们,åŠæ—¶å¸®æ‚¨å¤„ç†ï¼Œè°¢è°¢ï¼ PS:请å„ä½ä¸è¦é‡å¤ç»™ç®¡ç†ä¿¡ç®±å‘信好么ï¼ï¼ï¼ï¼è¯·è€å¿ƒç­‰å¾…我们会处ç†çš„。 HDSky管ç†ç»„ 2015å¹´03月24æ—¥
  4. Announcement on maintenance free promotional codes Recently, many HDSkyer reflect free downloads seed computing problems. The survey did have some users will be calculated downloads, maintenance staff has begun to investigate the cause and repair. During this period the rate of user suggestions carefully lower share download, after waiting for a unified code fixes will notice, thank you understanding and support! HDSky Management Group
  5. å„ä½HDSkyerï¼Œç”±äºŽæ”»å‡»é¼ è¾ˆæ—¥ç›ŠçŒ–ç—ï¼Œé€ æˆäº†è¿žæ—¥æ¥è®¿é—®å›°éš¾å’Œçº¢ç§çš„问题。为了彻底解决这一åŽé¡¾ä¹‹å¿§ï¼Œæœ¬ç«™å°†äºŽä»Šæ™šè¿›è¡ŒæœåŠ¡å™¨æ•°æ®æ¬è¿ç»´æŠ¤å·¥ä½œã€‚æ¬è¿ç»´æŠ¤æ—¶é—´å¯èƒ½é•¿è¾¾æ•°å°æ—¶ï¼ŒæœŸé—´å¯èƒ½æ— 法正常访问和下载,感谢å„ä½ç†è§£ä¸Žæ”¯æŒï¼ HDSky管ç†ç»„ 2015å¹´3月2æ—¥ We are going to transfer our tracker server to safe rooms in order to against the DDOS attack,please wait for several hours to visit HDSky. Thank you for your understanding and kindness. HDSky Staff 02.03.2015
  6. Currently attacker is sparing no effort , sleepless nights attack site . For them Qierbushe spirit expressed admiration but also leaving the management group feel the site is not easy to maintain ! At present, the higher level of security assurance enabled web browser , but the seeds can not link the server , please Shaoanwuzao , we are trying to solve , thank you understanding and support ! HDSky Management Group February 23, 2015
  7. 由于近期攻击频ç¹ï¼Œç»™å„ä½HDSkyer们的æµè§ˆä¸‹è½½ä½“éªŒé€ æˆäº†æžå¤§çš„ä¸ä¾¿ï¼Œå¯¹æ­¤ç®¡ç†ç»„深表歉æ„。目å‰ç»è¿‡åŠªåŠ›ï¼Œæƒ…况已有所改观。在此感谢åŽå°ç»´æŠ¤å›¢é˜Ÿç«­å°½å…¨åŠ›ï¼Œæ高了安全防范级别,给我们共åŒçš„高清分享天空ä¿é©¾æŠ¤èˆªï¼ 针对网络攻击给ä¸å°‘hdskyeré€ æˆçš„ä¸å°‘困扰,我们决定从å³åˆ»èµ·ï¼Œè‡³2月25日晚24点止,开å¯å…¨ç«™å…è´¹ 。 HDSky管ç†ç»„ 2015å¹´2月19æ—¥ limited timing wide freeleech! We are now open limited timing freeleech until 23:59:59 25.02.2015(GMT +8). Cheers, HDSky Staff 19.02.2015
  8. 2015.02.17 æœåŠ¡å™¨çŽ°åœ¨å¼€å¯äº†ä»£ç† å¯èƒ½æš‚æ—¶ä¸ç¨³å®š 正在调试 Translate: Servers are under debugging due to attack
  9. 本次ä¸å®šæ—¶å¼€æ”¾æ³¨å†Œè½ä¸‹å¸·å¹•ã€‚欢迎å„ä½åŠ 入高清天空的高清å‘烧å‹ã€‚希望æ¯ä¸ªäººéƒ½èƒ½åœ¨æ­¤åˆ†äº«é«˜æ¸…,更分享并获得快ä¹ã€‚有任何问题请在新手区å‘å¸–ï¼Œæˆ‘ä»¬æœ‰ä¸“äººä¸ºä½ é‡Šç–‘è§£æƒ‘ã€‚ 为欢迎新åŒå­¦ï¼Œæˆ‘们决定从å³åˆ»èµ·ï¼Œè‡³31日晚24点止,开å¯å…¨ç«™å…è´¹ ,为刚æ¥çš„åŒå­¦ç¼“å†²ä¸€ä¸‹ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›å¤§å®¶åˆ©ç”¨è¿™å‡ å¤©æ—¶é—´å¤šå¤šå­¦ä¹ ï¼Œå¤šå¤šäº¤æµï¼ HDSky管ç†ç»„ 2015å¹´1月27æ—¥ limited timing freeleech! In order to welcome our new members,We are now open limited timing freeleech until 23:59:59 31.01.2015(GMT +8). Cheers, HDSky Staff 27.01.2015
  10. Happy New Year ~ Happy New Year ~ New Year's bell is about to ring, bless you HDSkyer Happy New Year and good luck ~ ~ ~ ~ baa Table celebrate, seed region free to at 0:00 on January 4th, 2015, while the forum area also send blessings magic awards event, please pay attention to this Office update, welcome to participate! HDSky Management Group December 31, 2014 To Celebrate the new year, We Will Open site free for 72 Hours. Cheers, HDSky Staff 31.12.2014
  11. 全站å…费将于23æ—¥0时截止 之å‰å¤§å®¶åæ˜ çš„é™æ—¶å…è´¹bug已修å¤ï¼Œå…¨ç«™å…费将于23æ—¥0时截止,请å„ä½HDSkyer自行安排自己的下载时间。 ä»Šæ—¥æ˜¯ä¼ ç»Ÿæ—¶ä»¤èŠ‚æ°”å†¬è‡³ï¼Œç¥å„ä½HDSkyer阖家团圆ã€ä¸‡äº‹å¦‚æ„ï¼ We will close limited timing freeleech in 24 hours because we have fixed the freeleech code. Cheers, HDSky Staff Translate: Free will close the entire station at 0:00 on the 23rd Before we reflect the limited free bug has been fixed, the station free will close at 0:00 on the 23rd, please download HDSkyer to arrange their own time. Today is the traditional seasonal winter solstice solar terms, I wish you HDSkyer whole family and good luck! We will close limited timing freeleech in 24 hours because we have fixed the freeleech code. Cheers, HDSky Staff
  12. Turned the whole station free, please rest assured download, no problem downloading free downloads of seed computing. Before we reflect promotional code bug fixes are in, I would urge HDSkyer understanding and support! Limited Timing freeleech! We are now Open Limited until WE FIX Timing freeleech Our free system. Cheers, HDSky Staff 18.12.2014
  13. 没有注册马甲的童鞋 一律严ç¦å›žå¤æœ¬å¸– 本帖仅用于ä¸æ‡‚且注册了马甲的童鞋备案å…å°ç¦ä¹‹ç”¨ï¼ï¼ï¼è¿™é‡Œä¸æ˜¯ä½ èŠå¤©çš„地方 ã€ä¸¥é‡æ³¨æ„:ä¸æƒ³å†å‘红裤衩了,请仔细看帖å†è·Ÿå¸–,è¿è€…一律警告,æ¯äººç»ˆç”Ÿæœ‰ä¸”åªæœ‰ä¸¤æ¬¡è­¦å‘Šçš„机会,第二次 将告别HDSkyï¼ã€‘ 对于注册马甲,这在æ¯ä¸ªPT站都是ä¸å…许的,它是一ç§ä¸¥é‡è¿è§„行为。本站对马甲的打击也一å‘是éžå¸¸ä¸¥åŽ‰çš„, 一旦å‘现 马甲,åšå†³å¤„ç†ï¼Œç»ä¸å§‘æ¯ã€‚ 近段时间以æ¥ï¼Œæœ‰éƒ¨åˆ†ä¼šå‘˜ï¼Œç‰¹åˆ«æ˜¯æ–°ä¼šå‘˜ç»™ç®¡ç†ç»„å‘æ¥ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œè¯´æ³¨å†Œé©¬ç”²æ˜¯å› 为ä¸äº†è§£è§„åˆ™ï¼Œå®žå±žæ— å¿ƒä¹‹è¿‡ã€‚æˆ‘ 们考虑 到方方é¢é¢çš„åŽŸå› ï¼Œæ›´æ˜¯æœ¬ç€äººæ€§åŒ–管ç†çš„原则,ç»ç®¡ç†ç»„商议åŽä½œå‡ºå¦‚下决定: 1,凡是注册有马甲å·çš„ç«¥éž‹ï¼Œæ— è®ºæ–°ä¼šå‘˜è¿˜æ˜¯è€ä¼šå‘˜ï¼Œè¯·äºŽ7日内(å³æ—¥èµ·è‡³11月21),在本帖跟帖,主动 报上马甲和主 å·ã€‚凡主动登记的,我们将ä¿ç•™å…¶ä¸»å·ï¼Œban掉马甲,且ä¸äºˆè¿½ç©¶ã€‚ 2,11月21æ—¥åŽï¼Œæœ¬å¸–关闭,ä¸å†æŽ¥å—登记。届时,我们将在åŽå°è¿›è¡Œæ¸…ç†ï¼Œå‡¡æ˜¯æ²¡æœ‰ç™»è®°çš„,我们将把该会 员的主å·ä¸Ž 马甲一起ban,且永远å°ç¦IP,ä¸å¾—申诉。 3,登记时ä¸å¯é—æ¼ï¼Œæœ‰å‡ 个马甲需è¦å…¨éƒ¨ç™»è®°ï¼Œå¦‚æžœå› é—æ¼ç™»è®°è€Œå¯¼è‡´å°ç¦IP,åŽæžœè‡ªè´Ÿã€‚ 4,ä¸æŽ’除有个别会员æ¶æ„登记别人的IDï¼Œè¿™æ ·ä¼šç»™æˆ‘ä»¬çš„æ¸…ç†å·¥ä½œå¸¦æ¥ä¸€å®šå›°éš¾ã€‚一旦å‘现有跟帖时登记的I Dä¸æ˜¯æœ¬äºº 所有,我们将å°ç¦å…¶IP,自é‡ï¼ 5,本轮清ç†ä»¥åŽï¼Œå†å‘çŽ°é©¬ç”²çš„ï¼Œæ— è®ºæ˜¯è°ï¼Œä¸€å¾‹æ°¸ä¹…性å°ç¦IP。 6,清ç†å¯¹è±¡ï¼šå…¨ç«™æ‰€æœ‰ä¼šå‘˜ã€‚ 7,为了方便统计,此贴æ¯äººé™ç”¨ä¸€æ¥¼è·Ÿå¸–,多楼多贴警告。 8,本帖ç¦æ°´ï¼Œä¸¥ç¦ä»»ä½•éžé©¬ç”²ç™»è®°å›žå¸–,è¿è€…è­¦å‘Šï¼ ç™»è®°æ ¼å¼ï¼š 主 ID:xxxxxx 马甲ID:xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 马甲解释:简而言之,就是一个人注册了两个åŠä»¥ä¸Šçš„å·ï¼Œä¸ç®¡ä½ 是在家里注册,还是å•ä½æ³¨å†Œï¼Œåªè¦æ˜¯ä½ 一个人 拥有两 个åŠä»¥ä¸Šçš„å·ï¼Œå‡ºäº†ä¸»å·ä¹‹å¤–çš„å·ï¼Œéƒ½å«é©¬ç”²ã€‚ PS:ä¸æ€•è­¦å‘Šçš„å°½ç®¡èƒ¡ä¹±è·Ÿå¸–ï¼Œæ€Žä¹ˆå°±æ²¡ä¸ªä»”ç»†çœ‹å¸–çš„å¥½ä¹ æƒ¯ã€‚ 最åŽè¢«FiNalHD编辑于10天6æ—¶å‰ Translate No registration is strictly prohibited shoes vest reply to this post and this post is only for registered understand vest shoes filing banned free use! ! ! This is not your place to chat [serious note: do not want red pants, please see posts again carefully thread, offenders will be warned, there is a lifetime opportunity and only two warnings per person, and the second will bid farewell HDSky! ] For registration vest, which are not allowed in every PT station, it is a serious violation. Powered combat vest has always been very severe, once found vest, resolutely deal with, will not be tolerated. Recently years, some members, especially new members to the management group sent a message that registration is due to ignorance rules vest, it is not intentional. We take into account all aspects of the reason, it is the principle of human management, the management group after deliberation the following decisions: 1. Those who have shoes vest registration number, whether new members or old members, please within 7 days (with immediate effect until November 21) , the thread of this post, the initiative to report on the vest and the main number. Where the registration of the initiative, we will retain its main number, ban off the vest, and not be prosecuted. 2,11 after May 21, this post is closed, no longer accept registration. By then, we will clean up in the background, those who are not registered, we will this member's main number, together with the vest ban, and forever banned IP, not a complaint . 3, registration can not miss , there are several vest all need to register, if the registration omission caused banned IP, peril. 4, do not rule out other people's individual members malicious registration ID, this will give us a clean-up work to bring some difficulties. Once registered when the thread ID is not my all, we will ban their IP, behave! 5, after the current round of clean up, and then found the vest, no matter who will be permanently banned IP. 6, cleaning objects: the whole station to all members . 7, in order to facilitate the statistics, Citie each person on the ground floor with the thread , multi-floor multi stickers warning. 8, this post ban water, non-registration of any non-vest Replies offenders Warning! Registration form: Main ID: xxxxxx vest ID: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx vest explanation: in short, is a person registered more than two numbers and, whether you are registered at home or unit registration, as long as you have a person two or more numbers, and, out of the numbers outside the main number, call vest. PS: Despite warnings afraid random thread, look carefully note how no one good habit.
  14. 没有注册马甲的童鞋 一律严ç¦å›žå¤æœ¬å¸– 本帖仅用于ä¸æ‡‚且注册了马甲的童鞋备案å…å°ç¦ä¹‹ç”¨ï¼ï¼ï¼è¿™é‡Œä¸æ˜¯ä½ èŠå¤©çš„地方 ã€ä¸¥é‡æ³¨æ„:ä¸æƒ³å†å‘红裤衩了,请仔细看帖å†è·Ÿå¸–,è¿è€…一律警告,æ¯äººç»ˆç”Ÿæœ‰ä¸”åªæœ‰ä¸¤æ¬¡è­¦å‘Šçš„机会,第二次 将告别HDSkyï¼ã€‘ 对于注册马甲,这在æ¯ä¸ªPT站都是ä¸å…许的,它是一ç§ä¸¥é‡è¿è§„行为。本站对马甲的打击也一å‘是éžå¸¸ä¸¥åŽ‰çš„, 一旦å‘现 马甲,åšå†³å¤„ç†ï¼Œç»ä¸å§‘æ¯ã€‚ 近段时间以æ¥ï¼Œæœ‰éƒ¨åˆ†ä¼šå‘˜ï¼Œç‰¹åˆ«æ˜¯æ–°ä¼šå‘˜ç»™ç®¡ç†ç»„å‘æ¥ä¿¡æ¯ï¼Œè¯´æ³¨å†Œé©¬ç”²æ˜¯å› 为ä¸äº†è§£è§„åˆ™ï¼Œå®žå±žæ— å¿ƒä¹‹è¿‡ã€‚æˆ‘ 们考虑 到方方é¢é¢çš„åŽŸå› ï¼Œæ›´æ˜¯æœ¬ç€äººæ€§åŒ–管ç†çš„原则,ç»ç®¡ç†ç»„商议åŽä½œå‡ºå¦‚下决定: 1,凡是注册有马甲å·çš„ç«¥éž‹ï¼Œæ— è®ºæ–°ä¼šå‘˜è¿˜æ˜¯è€ä¼šå‘˜ï¼Œè¯·äºŽ7日内(å³æ—¥èµ·è‡³11月21),在本帖跟帖,主动报上马甲和主 å·ã€‚凡主动登记的,我们将ä¿ç•™å…¶ä¸»å·ï¼Œban掉马甲,且ä¸äºˆè¿½ç©¶ã€‚ 2,11月21æ—¥åŽï¼Œæœ¬å¸–关闭,ä¸å†æŽ¥å—登记。届时,我们将在åŽå°è¿›è¡Œæ¸…ç†ï¼Œå‡¡æ˜¯æ²¡æœ‰ç™»è®°çš„,我们将把该会 员的主å·ä¸Ž 马甲一起ban,且永远å°ç¦IP,ä¸å¾—申诉。 3,登记时ä¸å¯é—æ¼ï¼Œæœ‰å‡ 个马甲需è¦å…¨éƒ¨ç™»è®°ï¼Œå¦‚æžœå› é—æ¼ç™»è®°è€Œå¯¼è‡´å°ç¦IP,åŽæžœè‡ªè´Ÿã€‚ 4,ä¸æŽ’除有个别会员æ¶æ„登记别人的IDï¼Œè¿™æ ·ä¼šç»™æˆ‘ä»¬çš„æ¸…ç†å·¥ä½œå¸¦æ¥ä¸€å®šå›°éš¾ã€‚一旦å‘现有跟帖时登记的I Dä¸æ˜¯æœ¬äºº 所有,我们将å°ç¦å…¶IP,自é‡ï¼ 5,本轮清ç†ä»¥åŽï¼Œå†å‘çŽ°é©¬ç”²çš„ï¼Œæ— è®ºæ˜¯è°ï¼Œä¸€å¾‹æ°¸ä¹…性å°ç¦IP。 6,清ç†å¯¹è±¡ï¼šå…¨ç«™æ‰€æœ‰ä¼šå‘˜ã€‚ 7,为了方便统计,此贴æ¯äººé™ç”¨ä¸€æ¥¼è·Ÿå¸–,多楼多贴警告。 8,本帖ç¦æ°´ï¼Œä¸¥ç¦ä»»ä½•éžé©¬ç”²ç™»è®°å›žå¸–,è¿è€…è­¦å‘Šï¼ ç™»è®°æ ¼å¼ï¼š 主 ID:xxxxxx 马甲ID:xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx 马甲解释:简而言之,就是一个人注册了两个åŠä»¥ä¸Šçš„å·ï¼Œä¸ç®¡ä½ 是在家里注册,还是å•ä½æ³¨å†Œï¼Œåªè¦æ˜¯ä½ 一个 人拥有两 个åŠä»¥ä¸Šçš„å·ï¼Œå‡ºäº†ä¸»å·ä¹‹å¤–çš„å·ï¼Œéƒ½å«é©¬ç”²ã€‚ PS:ä¸æ€•è­¦å‘Šçš„å°½ç®¡èƒ¡ä¹±è·Ÿå¸–ï¼Œæ€Žä¹ˆå°±æ²¡ä¸ªä»”ç»†çœ‹å¸–çš„å¥½ä¹ æƒ¯ã€‚ Translate: Annoucements: Not registered vest shoes is strictly prohibited reply to this post and this post is only for registered understand vest shoes filing banned free use! ! ! This is not your place to chat [serious note: do not want red pants, please look carefully note the thread again, and offenders will be warned, there is a lifetime opportunity and only two warnings per person, and the second will bid farewell to HDSky! ] For registration vest, which are not allowed in each PT station, it is a serious violation. Powered combat vest also has been very severe, once found vest, resolutely deal with, will not be tolerated. Recently years, some members, especially new members to the management group sent a message that registration vest due to ignorance rule, it is not intentional. We take into account all aspects of the reason, it is the principle of human management, the management group after deliberations the following decisions: 1, all registration numbers have shoes vest, whether new members or old members, please within 7 days (from now until November 21), in this post thread, the initiative to report on the vest and the main number. Where the active registration, we will retain its main number, ban off the vest and not be prosecuted. 2,11 21 months later, this post is closed, no longer accept registration. By then, we will clean up in the background, who are not registered, we will this member's main number, together with the vest ban, and forever banned IP, may not appeal. 3, non-registration omissions, there are several vest need all the registration if the registration omission caused banned IP, peril. 4, does not rule out other people's individual Member malicious registration ID, so give us a clean-up work to bring some difficulties. Once registered when the thread ID is not my all, and we will ban their IP, behave! 5, after the current round of cleaning, and then find the vest, no matter who will be permanently banned IP. 6, clean up the object: the station of all its members. 7, in order to facilitate the statistics, Citie each person with the first floor of the thread, multi-floor multi-posted warnings. 8, this post water deprivation, non-registration of any non vest Replies offenders Warning! Registration form: Master ID: xxxxxx Vest ID: xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx Vest explanation: in short, is a person registered two or more of the number, whether you are registered at home, or unit registration, as long as you are a person with two or more in number, out of the outside of the main number the number, call the vest. PS: Despite warnings afraid casually thread, how no one close look at post good habits.
  15. we are down right now but will be online soon thanks
  16. 关于开放注册的通知 为迎接åŒ11的到æ¥ï¼Œæœ¬ç«™æ‹Ÿå®šäºŽ2014å¹´11月1日零时起——2014å¹´11月11æ—¥24时,共计11天 ,全站开放注册,å¸æ”¶æ–°é²œè¡€æ¶²ï¼Œæ³¨å…¥æ›´å¤šæ´»åŠ›ã€‚本站目å‰æ²¡æœ‰è€ƒæ ¸ï¼Œæ²¡æœ‰æ³¨å†Œé™„åŠ è¦æ±‚。机会难得 ï¼Œæœ›å‘¨çŸ¥ï¼ é«˜æ¸…å¤©ç©ºæ˜¯å¤§å®¶çš„ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›å„ä½HDSkyerå¤§åŠ›å®£ä¼ ï¼Œè®©ä½ çš„äº²æœ‹å¥½å‹äº†è§£é«˜æ¸…,爱上高清,爱上 é«˜æ¸…å¤©ç©ºï¼ HDSky管ç†ç»„ 2014å¹´10月28æ—¥ Translate: Notice of Open Registration To welcome the arrival of the double 11, the site is planned to at 0:00 on November 1st, 2014 onwards --2014 on 11 November 24, a total of 11 days, the station open for registration, absorb fresh blood, inject more vitality. There is no assessment of the site, no additional registration requirements. A rare opportunity, hope known! Sky HD is everyone, I hope you HDSkyer publicity campaign to let your friends and family understand the definition, fall in love with HD, HD sky fell in love! ************************************************** ***** HDSky Management Group ************************************************** ********* October 28, 2014 Add Rep and Leave a feedback Reputation is the green button in the down right corner on my post
  17. 请å„ä½ä¸Šä¼ å‘布者ä¸è¦éšæ„æ’¤ç§ï¼Œå¦åˆ™ä½ å°†å¾—åˆ°ä¸€æ¬¡è­¦å‘Šï¼ è¿‘æ¥å‘现æŸäº›ä¼šå‘˜æœ‰æ¶æ„æ’¤ç§çŽ°è±¡ï¼Œè¿™æ˜¯ä»»ä½•ä¸€ä¸ªPT站都ä¸å…许的。 å„ä½ä¸Šä¼ å‘布者请熟读规则: Quote ä¸Šä¼ è€…å¿…é¡»ä¿è¯ä¸Šä¼ 速度与åšç§æ—¶é—´ã€‚如果在其他人完æˆå‰æ’¤ç§æˆ–åšç§æ—¶é—´ä¸è¶³24å°æ—¶ï¼Œæˆ–者故æ„ä½Žé€Ÿä¸Šä¼ ï¼Œä¸Š ä¼ è€…å°†ä¼šè¢«è­¦å‘Šç”šè‡³å–æ¶ˆä¸Šä¼ æƒé™ã€‚ 对于è¿å规则,æ¶æ„æ’¤ç§çš„ï¼Œä½ å°†å¾—åˆ°ä¸€æ¬¡è­¦å‘Šï¼Œç´¯è®¡ä¸¤æ¬¡è­¦å‘Šï¼Œä½ å°†æ°¸åˆ«HDSky. Translate: Please upload the publisher should not arbitrarily withdraw species, otherwise you will get a warning! Recently found that certain members malicious withdrawal phenomenon, which no one PT stations are not allowed. You familiar with the rules, please upload publisher: ** Quote Must ensure that the upload speed upload and seeding time. If you do withdraw species or species of time before someone else less than 24 hours to complete, or deliberately low-speed upload, uploader will be warned or even canceled upload privileges. Those who violate the rules, malicious withdrawal species, you will get a warning, the cumulative two warnings, you will Farewell HDSky. Add Rep and Leave a feedback Reputation is the green button in the down right corner on my post
  18. [活动]“2014暑期大片é¢é¢è¯„â€æœ‰å¥–活动 从五月æ­å¹•ï¼Œåˆ°å…«æœˆæ”¶å®˜ï¼Œ2014年的内地暑期档,四åéƒ¨ä¸­å¤–å¤§ç‰‡è½®ç•ªç™»åœºå›½å†…ï¼Œæƒ³å¿…ä½ å·²ç»åœ¨ç”µå½±é™¢é™¶é†‰äºŽ 光怪陆离的电影世界ï¼è€Œä¸”,暑期大片è“光碟在å月密集å‘布ï¼åœ¨è§‚影的åŒæ—¶ï¼Œæ˜¯ä¸æ˜¯ä¹Ÿæœ‰å¾ˆå¤šè¯æƒ³è¯´ï¼Œæ˜¯ä¸æ˜¯ä¹Ÿ 想对这些影片å“头论足一番,是ä¸æ˜¯ä¹Ÿæƒ³æ‰¾åˆ°å¿—åŒé“åˆçš„朋å‹å‘¢ï¼Ÿ 为了让HDSky会员更好的对今年的暑期大片进行å“读ã€ä¿ƒè¿›äº¤æµï¼Œä¹Ÿä¸ºäº†ç»™å¤§å®¶æä¾›æ›´åŠ è¯¦å®žçš„è§‚å½±æŒ‡å—与建 议,影视交æµåŒºéš†é‡æŽ¨å‡ºâ€œæš‘期大片é¢é¢è¯„â€æœ‰å¥–å¾æ–‡æ´»åŠ¨ã€‚令人应接ä¸æš‡çš„中外影片必然能够让大家有诸多的感 慨与想法想è¦å‘表,敬请å‚与本次活动,赢å–å¥–åŠ±ï¼ ä¸€ã€å¥–å“设置 一等奖:1å 奖å“: 1. 10000魔力值。 2. 邀请2æžš 二等奖:2 å 奖å“: 1. 5000魔力值。 2. 邀请1æžš 三等奖:3å 奖å“: 1. 2000魔力值。 å‚èµ›å¥–ï¼šæ— é™ å¥–å“:凡是å‚åŠ æ´»åŠ¨ï¼Œä¸”ç¬¦åˆè¦æ±‚çš„å‡ç»™äºˆå¥–励500魔力值。 二ã€å‚赛须知 1.å‚åŠ æœ¬æ¬¡æ´»åŠ¨å¿…é¡»åœ¨â€œå½±è§†äº¤æµåŒºâ€ç‰ˆå—新建帖å­ï¼Œæ¯ä¸ªä¼šå‘˜å‚赛帖数é‡æœ€å¤š5篇; 2.å‚赛作å“必须与指定电影(è§æ´»åŠ¨ç”µå½±ï¼‰ç›¸å…³ï¼Œä½“è£ä¸é™ï¼Œè¯„论ã€éšç¬”å‡å¯ï¼Œæ¯ç¯‡æ–‡ç« å­—æ•°ä¸å°‘于5 00å­—ï¼› 3.å‚赛作å“必须为原创作å“ï¼Œè½¬è½½å’ŒæŠ„è¢­çš„æ–‡ç« ä¸€ç»å‘现立å³å–消作者å‚èµ›èµ„æ ¼å¹¶æ‰£é™¤é­”åŠ›å€¼1000 分; 4.ç¦æ­¢å‚赛主题与回å¤æ¶‰åŠä»»ä½•è‰²æƒ…ã€å动ã€æŸå®³å›½å®¶åˆ©ç›Šçš„内容,ç¦æ­¢å‘布盈利性网站论å›å¹¿å‘Šç­‰å†…å®¹ï¼Œä¸€ç» å‘现,立刻å°IDï¼› 5.ç¦æ­¢åœ¨å‚èµ›æ¿å—与主题内æ¶æ„刷å±ï¼Œç¦æ­¢å‘布空帖,é‡å¤å¸–,严ç¦çŒæ°´ï¼Œä¸€ç»å‘现,立刻扣除100 魔力值。 三ã€å‘å¸–æ ¼å¼ 1.å‚åŠ æ´»åŠ¨çš„å¸–å­å¿…é¡»å‘布在“影视交æµåŒºâ€ç‰ˆå†…,å‘布在其他版å—的帖å­ä¸€å¾‹æ— 效; 2.å‚åŠ æ´»åŠ¨çš„å¸–å­å¿…须为新建帖,回å¤ã€è·Ÿå¸–ä¸­çš„æ–‡ç« ä¸€å¾‹æ— æ•ˆï¼› 3.å‚åŠ æ´»åŠ¨çš„å¸–å­æ ‡é¢˜å‰å¿…须注明[暑期大片é¢é¢è¯„],åŽè·Ÿæ–‡ç« æ ‡é¢˜ï¼Œç¤ºä¾‹å¦‚ä¸‹ï¼š [è´ºå²å¤§ç‰‡é¢é¢è¯„]《å˜å½¢é‡‘刚4》——屌炸天的视觉特效 弱爆的剧情 å››ã€æ´»åŠ¨å½±ç‰‡ 北美暑期大片: ã€Šè¶…å‡¡èœ˜è››ä¾ 2》ã€ã€ŠX战警:逆转未æ¥ã€‹ã€ã€Šæ²‰ç¡é­”咒》ã€ã€Šæ˜Žæ—¥è¾¹ç¼˜ã€‹ã€ã€Šé©¯é¾™é«˜æ‰‹2》ã€ã€Šå“¥æ–¯æ‹‰ã€‹ã€ã€Šå˜ 形金刚4:ç»è¿¹é‡ç”Ÿã€‹ã€ã€ŠçŒ©çƒé»Žæ˜Žã€‹ã€ã€Šè¶…体》ã€ã€Šé“¶æ²³æŠ¤å«é˜Ÿã€‹ã€ã€Šå¿è€…神龟》ã€ã€Šè®°å¿†ä¼ 授人》ã€ã€Šæ•¢æ­»é˜Ÿ 3》ã€ã€Šäººç±»æ¸…除计划2》ã€ã€Šé¾™è™Žå°‘年队2》ã€ã€Šé‚»å±…大战》ã€ã€Šæ˜Ÿè¿é‡Œçš„错》ã€ã€Šé£žæœºæ€»åŠ¨å‘˜2》ã€ã€Šå®™æ–¯ä¹‹ å­ï¼šèµ«æ‹‰å…‹å‹’斯》ã€ã€Šåƒç”·äººä¸€æ ·æ€è€ƒ2》ã€ã€Šè­¦å¯Ÿæ¸¸æˆ 》 åŽè¯­æš‘期大片: 《归æ¥ã€‹ã€ã€Šåˆ†æ‰‹å¤§å¸ˆã€‹ã€çªƒå¬é£Žäº‘3》ã€ã€Šäº¬åŸŽ81å·ã€‹ã€ã€Šå°æ—¶ä»£3》ã€ã€ŠåŽä¼šæ— 期》ã€ã€Šç™½å‘é­”å¥³ä¼ ä¹‹æ˜Žæœˆ 天国》ã€ã€Šç»£æ˜¥åˆ€ã€‹ã€ã€Šå››å¤§åæ•å¤§ç»“局》ã€ã€Šå贪风暴》ã€ã€Šä¸´æ—¶åŒå±…》ã€ã€Šé—ºèœœã€‹ 其他: 2014å¹´5月~8æœˆä¸Šæ˜ çš„ç”µå½±ã€‚ 注:å‚åŠ æ´»åŠ¨çš„æ¯ç¯‡æ–‡ç« 请在以上影片中任选一部进行评论。 五ã€è¯„选 本次活动本ç€å…¬å¹³å…¬æ­£çš„原则,采用会员投票的形å¼è¯„选å次; å…­ã€æ´»åŠ¨æ—¶é—´ 1.å‚赛作å“å‘布日期:2014å¹´10月13日——2014å¹´10月31æ—¥ 2.å‚赛作å“评奖日期:2014å¹´11月1日——2014å¹´11月10日,请会员在此时间内对å‚赛作å“进行 投票; 3.获奖作å“公布时间:2014å¹´11月11日公布获奖作å“åå•ï¼Œå¹¶å‘放奖励。 Translate: [Events] "2014 Summer Blockbuster'' things to Comment on awards event From May opening, to wrap up in August, 2014 Mainland summer profile, forty domestic and foreign blockbusters turns the stage, presumably you have in the cinema to revel in the bizarre world of film! Moreover, the summer blockbuster Blu-ray release in October intensive! In viewing the same time, is not much to say, is not also want to give lessons some of these films, is not also want to find like-minded friends? To make HDSky members to better carry out this year's summer blockbuster reading materials, to promote exchanges, and to give us to provide more detailed viewing guide with suggestions, film exchange area introduces a "summer blockbuster things to Comment on" prize essay activities. Chinese and foreign films inevitably overwhelmed so that everyone can have a lot of feelings and thoughts to post, please participate in this event, winning awards! A prize set First prize: a Prizes: 1.10000 magic value. 2 invite 2 Second Prize: 2 Prizes: 1.5000 magic value. 2 invite a Third Prize: 3 Prizes: 1.2000 magic value. Entry Prize: Unlimited Prizes: Those who participate in activities, and meet the requirements of both reward 500 magic value. Second, participating Notice 1 to participate in this event must create posts in the "Television exchange zone" section, each member participating largest number of five posts; 2 Entries must be specified movie (see activity movies) related genre limitation, reviews, essays can be, no less than 500 words each article of words; 3 Entries must be original works, reproduced and copied articles canceled immediately upon discovery of the magic of qualifying and deduct the value of 1000 points; 4 topics and reply to prohibit competition involved in any pornographic, reactionary, harm the national interests of the content, prohibits the publication of profitable website forum advertising and other content, once discovered, immediately seal ID; 5 banned in competition with the theme of the malicious scraper plate, prohibits the publication of empty posts, duplicate posts, non-irrigation, once discovered, immediately deduct 100 magic value. Three, posting format 1 participate in the activities of posts must be published in the "video exchange zone" version, released null and void in the other forum posts; 2 posts must participate in the activities for the new post, reply, the thread of the article will be invalid; 3 must indicate the post title before taking part in the activities of [summer blockbuster things to comment], followed by the title of the article, examples are as follows: [New Year blockbuster things to comment] "Transformers 4" - Cock fried days visual effects weak burst of plot Fourth, activity videos North American summer blockbuster: "Amazing Spider-Man 2", "X-Men: reversal of the future", "sleeping curse," "Tomorrow Edge," "How to Train Your Dragon 2," "Godzilla," "Transformers 4: extinct rebirth" "Planet of the Apes dawn "," super body "," Galaxy guard, "" Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, "" memory teach people "," death squads 3 "," human Clear plan 2 "," Jump Street 2 "," neighbor wars, "" Star Games in the wrong "," airplane Story 2, "" son of Zeus: Hercules, "" think like a man 2 "," police game " Chinese summer blockbuster: "Return", "break up guru" Overheard 3 "," Beijing No. 81, "" small age 3, "" will have no period "," The Bride With White Hair moon heaven "," Xiu Chun knife "," four Daming catch finale "," anti-corruption storm "," temporary cohabitation "," girlfriends " Other: May 2014 - August release of the film. Note: Participation in the activities of each article, please comment on the above, optionally a movie. V. Selection The event based on the principle of fairness and justice, the use of voting members in the form of the selection ranking; Six, activity time 1 entries Date: October 13, 2014 --2,014 on October 31 2 entries awards Date: November 1, 2014 --2,014 year November 10, please members during this time of the entries vote; 3 winning entries published: November 11, 2014 announced the winners list and an award. Add Rep and Leave a feedback
  19. 这个通知已å‘出一月有余,也已过了清ç†æ—¶é™ä¸€æ®µæ—¶é—´äº†ï¼Œå› 为工作ç¹å¿™ï¼Œç事较多,一直没有执行。本站决定,从å³æ—¥èµ·å¼€å§‹æŒ‰è§„定清ç†ï¼Œå‘¨çŸ¥ï¼ 希望å¤æ´»æˆ–误清ç†ç”¨æˆ·è¯·è”ç³»QQ:229514555 附清ç†è¯´æ˜Žï¼š 清ç†å¯¹è±¡ï¼š 一ã€ä¸æ´»è·ƒè´¦æˆ·ï¼šæ³¨å†Œæ—¥æœŸåœ¨2014å¹´6月之å‰çš„账户,下载é‡ä¸å¾—低于10Gä¸”ä¸Šä¼ é‡ä¸å¾—å°äºŽ20G,å¦åˆ™çº³å…¥æ¸…ç†ä¹‹åˆ—ï¼› 二ã€è´Ÿé­”力值账户:å³é­”åŠ›å€¼ä¸ºè´Ÿï¼Œä¸”æ ¹æ®é­”力值兑æ¢ç³»ç»Ÿå°†å…¨éƒ¨ä¸Šä¼ å…‘æ¢é­”力值åŽé­”力ä»ç„¶ä¸ºè´Ÿæ•°çš„账户。 清ç†æ–¹å¼ï¼šå°ç¦ 以上清ç†ç”¨æˆ·äº«æœ‰ä¸€æ¬¡æèµ è§£å°æœºä¼šã€‚ 注:贵宾和带有æèµ è€…æ˜Ÿæ˜Ÿæ ‡å¿—çš„ä¼šå‘˜ã€å‘布员ã€ç®¡ç†ç»„人员ä¸åœ¨æ¸…ç†èŒƒå›´ã€‚ å‘¨çŸ¥ï¼ Google Translate This notice has been issued more than one month, the time limit has passed some time to clean up, because busy, chores more, has not been implemented. Powered decided to embark on the required clean-up from now on, known! I hope resurrection or misuse of cleaning up users please contact QQ: 229514555 Attached to clean Description: Clean up the object: First, inactive accounts: Registration date before June 2014 accounts, downloads and uploads of not less than the amount of not less than 10G 20G, otherwise taken into cleanup of; Second, the negative value of the account magic: the magic is negative, and the magic value exchange system will upload all exchange based on the value of the magic of the magic is still negative accounts. Cleanup methods: Ban Clean-up users to enjoy once more the opportunity to donate re-opened. Note: VIP donors and members with stars logo, publisher, who is not clean-range management group. Known!
  20. 2014.09.12 - Notice of extension of negative magic accounts and inactive accounts cleanup time On the extension of the negative accounts and inactive accounts magic clean-up time of notification: Powered original announcement intended to September 15 ended cleanup inactive accounts with negative magic value accounts, but taking into account some time ago, web server occasional convulsions, to the majority of Members bring a greater impact; Second, many members requested an extension of time to clean up. Deliberations by the management group decided to clean up time extended till September 31, hoping to improve the conditions do not meet the membership as soon as possible, there will be no extension of clean-up time. Cleanup Rules reiterate again. clean up the object: A, inactive accounts: Registration date in June 2014 accounts before the download and upload amount not less than the amount of not less than 10G 20G , otherwise taken into clean-up of; Second, the negative value of the account magic : That magic is negative, and the magic value exchange system will upload all exchange based on the value of the magic magic still negative accounts. Cleanup methods: Banned users to enjoy a more clean- donation unseal chance. Note: VIP donors and members with the stars mark is not cleaned range. Known! HDSky Management Group 2014.9.12
  21. 2014.09.12 - Notice of extension of negative magic accounts and inactive accountscleanup time On the extension of the negative accounts and inactive accounts magic clean-up time ofnotification: Powered original announcement intended to stop Sept. 15 cleanup inactive accountswith negative magic value account, but considering ago, the web server occasionalconvulsions, bring greater impact to the general membership; Second, many membersapply for an extension to clean up time. Deliberations by the management group decided to clean up time extended tillSeptember 31, hoping to improve the conditions do not meet the membership as soon as possible, there will be no extension of clean-up time. Cleanup Rules reiterate again Clean up the object: First, inactive accounts: Registration date before June 2014 accounts, downloads anduploads of not less than the amount of not less than 10G 20G, otherwise taken intocleanup of; Second, the negative value of the account magic: the magic is negative, and the magicvalue exchange system will upload all exchange based on the value of the magic of themagic is still negative accounts. Cleanup methods: Ban Clean-up users to enjoy once more the opportunity to donate re-opened. Note: VIP donors and members with the stars mark is not cleaned range. Known! HDSkyManagement Group 2014.9.12
  22. 2014.09.02 - Notice of clean up inactive accounts and a negative value of the user's magic In order to improve the quality of membership, promote membership activity and create a favorable environment to share the management group decided to September 15, 2014 to clean up inactive user accounts with negative magic value. Clean up the object: a, inactive accounts: meet the following criteria considered inactive users until June 2014 User 1 Registration Date; 2 less than the user downloads or uploads less than 20G 10G; the two negative magic value User: That magic is negative, and the magic value exchange system will upload all exchange based on the value of the magic of the magic is still negative users. Cleanup methods: Banned users to enjoy a more clean- donation unseal chance. Note: VIP donors and members with the stars mark is not cleaned range. Management Group members know that this may cause some resentment, but a better download experience for everyone and a good atmosphere to share, we make a resolve to resolutely implement. Please hdskyer understanding and support, thank you! Above
  23. 自7月28日开始的开放邀请注册将于今晚(8月31日)12点关闭,åŒæ—¶ï¼Œé‚€è¯·èµ„æ ¼å°†æ¢å¤åˆ°Nexus Master。 å‘¨çŸ¥ï¼ åœ¨æ­¤ï¼Œçƒ­çƒˆæ¬¢è¿Žæ¥åˆ°HDSky大家庭的æ¯ä¸€ä½æ–°æˆå‘˜ï¼Œå¸Œæœ›ä½ ä»¬åœ¨æ­¤çŽ©å¾—æ„‰å¿«ï¼Œå¹¶è¯·ä½ è®¤çœŸé˜…è¯»å¹¶æŽŒæ¡PT规则,努力为HDSkyåšå‡ºè´¡çŒ®ï¼ HDSky管ç†ç»„ Translate: Since the start of an open invitation to July 28 registration will tonight (August 31) 12:00 closed, while the qualifications will be invited to return to Nexus Master. Known! Here, a warm welcome to each new member of the HDSky extended family, I hope you have a good time here, and ask you to carefully read and understand the rules PT strive for HDSky contribute! HDSky Management Group
  24. 2014.08.28 - Important Notice According to the relevant site notice, each new version of the Thunder have already begun to support encrypted link, may result in account passkey leak, causing abnormal conditions such as account data. To members' interests and site security purposes, please immediately disable ut and other members of the client's DHT function; feel abnormal user data, change the point I immediately Another: Do not use the ut identified as FAKE client Where ignore the notices, knowingly membership and account, once discovered, immediately banned and permanent ban IP! I would urge members of attention! The above HDSky Management Group
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